We arrived at the Hotel Hohenstaufer in Koblenz at 1300. It is located within easy walking distance from the train station.
On the plane Joan learned some interesting information about wine. It seems the wines from USA, Australia, New Zealand, Chile and South Africa are called new world wines. They maximise the use of technology. The climate moderate to warm yields riper grapes giving fuller body and lower mineral content. Regional wines are designed according to their region. Some new regions that are growing wine grapes are the Gobi desert. Mumbai, India and the basin of China.
Even though we were upgraded to Business Class, the 10+ hour overnight, non stop flight, plus a over abundance of food and drink left us enervated.
The train station is connected to the airport simplifying the transition to fast surface transportation. Tourist Information informed us of where to activate our Eurail Pass and the appropriate track for the train to Koblenz. Coming from California where the car is the chief method of transportation, we have had very little experience in train travel. It is a little unnerving being sure you have found the correct track and what station you have to transfer at. It is such a relief not to drive. The train from Frankfurt to Koblenz follows the Rhine River with its endless chain of barges powering upriver against a good 4 knot current. The bow wave of the buoys was matched by that of the barges. After checking in to our hotel, we did a walkabout, but had to return to the hotel we are so sleep deprived. We were in bed by 1800.
Welcome to Europe. Enjoy your rest.
John and Robin